
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - AUGUST 05: Woojin Kim of Korea competes during the Men's Individual Ranking Round on Day 0 of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at the Sambodromo Olympic Archery venue on August 5, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  (Photo by Quinn Rooney/Getty Images)
奥运首日 12枚金牌花落谁家
当地时间8月6日,2016年里约奥运会将正式展开第一天的争夺。在游泳、射击、举重、柔道、击剑、自行车、女足、拳击、马术、赛艇、皮划艇、七人橄榄球等22 个大项的比赛中,将决出12 枚金牌。