
人氣 47

【大紀元7月30日訊】(大紀元記者南希華盛頓DC報導) 2007年7月20日上午, 來自世界四大洲的兩千多位民眾聚集在美國首都的華盛頓紀念碑北面廣場,聲援二千四百萬中國民眾退出中共。集會有約二十多位政要、非政府組織領袖、各族裔代表、人權民主活動家、中共暴政受害人等參與發言或寫信聲援,兩個小時的集會全程在大紀元優美客網站上現場即時轉播。來自紐約、波士頓、新澤西的幾十位華人在集會現場集體宣誓退出中共,另有二十幾位大陸民眾,通過現場直播集會的希望之聲國際廣播電台宣布退出中共。





我們今天在這裡集會是為了支持全世界尤其在中國大陸內的2400萬勇士退出中國共產黨及其相關組織。我依然記得很清楚,大約兩年多以前,我們也在華盛頓DC 集會聲援第一個100萬勇士退出中國共產黨及其相關組織。



「九評共產黨」 大約是在兩年前由大紀元時報所出版的一系列的文章,第一次將共產黨以及共產黨極權政府的真正本質揭露出來。讀了「九評共產黨」,我們都了解了共產黨是由謊言與暴亂所組成的一個組織。








Good morning friends, good morning friends of human rights, friends of democracy and friends of all Falun Gong practitioners, good morning.

Today we are gathering here to support 24 million people, courageous people who quit CCP and their associate associations all over the world especially in mainland China.

I still remember vividly a little bit more than 2 years ago, we gathered here in Washington DC also in support of the first million people, first one million people who quit CCP.

So that is to say, in only two short years, we welcomed another 23 million people who quit CCP and all their associate organizations.

Why is that? Why is the form? Why is the movement so powerful, so strong? I am sure everyone here in this site will tell me, it’s “Nine Commentaries”!

The “Nine Commentaries” released by Epoch Times around two years ago, was the first time reveal the true nature of the Communist Party and also Communist Regime. By reading the “Nine Commentaries”, we all know Communist is the lies, and violence that organize the organization, communist party.

So today we are gathering here to support of these 24 million courageous people who quit CCP and their associate organizations.

In the past 2 years, Falun Gong practitioners and all the awaken people around the world all try to spread the news of Nine Commentaries and spread the news about of how the CCP is going to terminated. Now the CCP is going to step out from the history and will be eliminated forever. So that’s why we are here. That’s why we are here to support this courageous movement, a movement of the history, a movement of human kind.

Many people who did not know of the nature of Chinese Communist Party because of they were cheated by the intended lies by the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist Party looks so good but they are telling lies, there are producing these lies and put into people’s eyes. But thanks to the Nine Commentaries, we now know the truth of Chinese Communist Party. That’s why we are here today.

I am sure days wouldn’t be long for the CCP. History tells us repeatedly over and over again. Evil usually end earlier than people can imagine. They often looks very strong, but all of sudden it is gone.

Some in Communism in Eastern European Countries, some in Communism in Soviet Union and same as Nazism in the former Germany﹐
They all stepped out from the history.

So by knowing the truth, we don’t want to fear. By knowing the truth, we stand here, we not only support our will, but we support our history。

Let’s all remember this day. Let’s all welcome a new China, a new world and a new human race.

Thank you all.


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