
郎博士英语专栏 (07-18-2014)
习语怎么说? Bag of tricks装有各样计谋/办法的智囊袋

郎博士英语专栏 (07-02-2014)
习语怎么说? A dDrop in the bBucket 微不足道

郎博士英语专栏 (05-22-2014)
习语怎么说? Neither fish nor fowl 非驴非马,似是而非

郎博士英语专栏 (05-15-2014)
习语怎么说? Sadder but wiser吃一堑,长一智 例句 -After the accident, I was sadder but wiser, and would never make the same mistake again. 车祸以后,我还是学乖了,再也不会犯同样的错误了。

郎博士英语专栏 (05-8-2014)
习语怎么说? Year in, year out一年到头 例句 John wears the same old suit, year in, year out. John一年到头总穿着那套旧西服。

郎博士英语专栏 (05-1-2014)

郎博士英语专栏 (03-27-2014)
习语怎么说? (As) clear as a bell 清清楚楚 例句 - I fixed the radio, so now all the stations come in clear as a bell. 我把收音机修了,现在所有的台台都能收到,听得清清楚楚的。 - Through the wall, I could hear the neighbors talking, just as clear as a bell. 我隔着墙就能听到邻居说话,听得一清二楚。

郎博士英语专栏 (03-20-2014)
习语怎么说? Jump down someone’s throat 跟人生气 例句 -That’s it, Greg! You’d better not come in after midnight again tonight! 够了,格莱各! 你今晚不准再半夜以后才回家! -I know, dad. You don’t have to jump down my throat! I told you that I’d make it home around 11:30.

郎博士英语专栏 (02-27-2014)
习语怎么说? Go Fly a Kite! 走开!

郎博士英语专栏 (1-23-2014)
习语怎么说? All in a dDay’s wWork 意料之中之事;正常之事 例句 - I don’t particularly like to cook, but it’s all in a day’s work. 我并不是特别喜欢做饭,只是例行公事而已。

郎博士英语专栏 (1-3-2014)
习语怎么说? Add fuel to the fire火上浇油 例句 To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the fire. 孩子哭的时候打他只能是火上浇油。

郎博士英语专栏 (12-26-2013)

郎博士英语专栏 (12-19-2013)
月光族 如果你的工资月月发,月月光,你就入了“月光族”的行列。用美语说就是: live from paycheck to paycheck,因为美国人的工资都是以支票支付的。

郎博士英语专栏 (11-14-2013)

郎博士英语专栏 (8-29-2013)

郎博士英语专栏 (8-15-2013)

郎博士英语专栏 (8-1-2013)
习语怎么说   Bag of tricks 装有各样计谋/办法的智囊袋   例句   What have you got in your bag of tricks that could help me with this problem?    你这个智囊袋有什么好主意可以帮我解决这个问题?

郎博士英语专栏 (6-27-2013)
郎博士英语专栏 习语怎么说

郎博士英语专栏 (6-20-2013)

郎博士英语专栏 (5-15-2013)
习语怎么说   Up and about身体康复,能起来四处走动

郎博士英语专栏 (5-09-2013)
习语怎么说 Say something (right) to someone’s face(不客气地)当面直说

郎博士英语专栏 (5-02-2013)

郎博士英语专栏 (4-26-2013)
习语怎么说   Gain ground取得进步、进展   例句

郎博士英语专栏 (4-20-2013)
习语怎么说?     Fall out with someone over/about something: 为某事与某人吵翻     例句:     - Bill fell out with Sally over a question of buying a new car.      比尔就因为买新车的事,问了一句话,就跟赛利吵翻了。

郎博士英语专栏 (4-13-2013)
习语怎么说?   Eat one’s heart out 伤心、难过   例句:   - Bill spent a lot of time eating his heart out after his divorce.    Bill 自从离了婚,就总是愁眉不展的。   - Don’t eat your heart out about my new car. Go get one of your own.    你别看着我的新车就心里不好过,自己去买一辆嘛。

郎博士英语专栏 (3-15-2013)
习语怎么说?     Don’t hold your breath 所说的事可能不会发生,不要当真     例句     He said he would give us a raise this year, but don’t hold your breath. Don’t you remember he made the same promise two years ago?     他说今年会给我们加薪。你可别信以为真。两年前他也做过同样的保证,你还记得吗?

郎博士英语专栏 (3-8-2013)
习语怎么说?     Up in the air 悬而未决,不确定     例句     -I’m not sure what I’m going to do next year. Everything is still up in the air.     明年我会做什么我也不确定,一切还都悬而未决。

郎博士英语专栏 (2-21-2013)
习语怎么说?   Climb the wall 爬墙,比喻极其着急、心烦、或激动。   例句   -I’m so upset I could climb the wall.   我沮丧得快跳楼了。   -The meeting was so long and boring that most people wanted to climb the wall.   会开得又长有无聊,大多数人都烦得坐不住了。   Come home to someone 突然变得清楚了

郎博士英语专栏 (2-14-2013)
习语怎么说?   Change the subject 改变话题   例句   -They changed the subject suddenly when their boss entered the office.   老板一进办公室,他们就突然改变了话题。

郎博士英语专栏 (2-7-2013)
习语怎么说?   Claim a life (for something) 夺去一个生命   例句   -The tornado claimed the lives of six people of this town.   这场飓风夺去了这个镇的六条人命。

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