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組圖:到日本發現自己太高 歐美網友同嘆



#1 「我2米高的繼父這週在日本。」

My 6’7″ Stepfather is visiting Japan this week from r/pics

#2 「高個子在日本。」

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#3 「身高1.9米(的我)在傳統日本屋住了2個月,屋內有很多木房樑。」

6’3” lived in a traditional Japanese house in Japan for two months. There was lots of exposed wooden beams from r/tall

#4 「身高1米9在日本真是不容易。」

Being 6 ft 3 in was pretty tough in Japan from r/funny

#5 「我身高1.9米,總結一下我的日本之旅。」(點圖上箭頭翻頁)

My trip to Japan as a 6.3 feet guy summed up

#6 「我最近去了趟日本。」

I recently travelled to Japan. from r/tall

#7 「在日本,高個子朋友一起彎腰低頭。」

In Japan, Tall Friends Duck Together from r/AccidentalWesAnderson

#8 「我每次去日本,都有些不適應… … 我在想為什麼呢?」

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#9 「我們來啦,這屋頂要加高呀!」

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#10 「日本不是高個子的國度。」

#11 「我在日本處處碰壁。」

Japan wasn’t build for me from r/funny

#12 「在日本這家旅館待了一晚,我的頭碰了這個燈8次。」

Stayed one night in this hostel in Japan. My head connected with this light 8 times. from r/tall

#13 「如果用一張照片總結我的日本之旅,那就是這張。」

if I could summarize my recent trip to Japan in one photo, this would be it.

#14 「旅店糟透了。」

Hotels suck. from r/tall

#15 「第一次去日本旅行,很開心。」

Loved my first trip to Japan from r/funny

#16 「這個姿勢在日本很常見。」

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#17 「高個子在日本的另一個問題。」

Another problem with being a tall man in Japan ._.
