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英國每周圖片新聞 12月15日

告別之旅。英國目前唯一一艘服役的航母卓越號(HMS Illustrious)最後一次告別樸茨茅斯港,它將被送到土耳其拆解並當成廢鐵處理。卓越號1982年起開始服役,曾經在波黑和塞拉利昂服役。人們在碼頭向它告別。英國目前處於航母青黃不接的時期。新一代航母「伊麗莎白號」將從明年春季開始下水試航。 (Matt Cardy/Getty Images) (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
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【大紀元2016年12月16日訊】聖誕節漸行漸近, 在過去的一周,英國又發生了什麼,通過圖片來看一看吧:

LINCOLN, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 05: (EDITOR NOTES: this image has to be converted to black and white version). Oldham Athletic search for a late equaliser in the fog during the Emirates FA Cup Second Round match between Lincoln City and Oldham Athletic at Sincil Bank Stadium on December 5, 2016 in Lincoln, England. (Photo by Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images)
霧裡找球。12月5日,英格蘭足總盃第二輪比賽Lincoln City對陣Oldham Athletic的比賽進行到最後時刻的時候,突然下起了大霧。沒辦法,大家都看不清遠處,所以只好聚在一起搶球了。(Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 07: Grosvenor Casinos launches 'Call Of The Wild' Christmas campaign with an inspired re-creation of an iconic image at Waterloo Station on December 7, 2016 in London, England. For more information please contact (Photo by Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images for Grosvenor Casinos)
賭場無人性。倫敦著名的Grosvenor賭場聖誕節前推出了「野性的呼喚」宣傳活動。賭客要想戰勝莊家就需要具有一些動物的特性,比如雪橇狗的直覺、北極熊的力量和耐力、公狼的求生本能、母狼的智慧以及雄鹿的精力和自信。 (Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images for Grosvenor Casinos)
PORTSMOUTH, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 07: People watch as Britain's last serving aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious is towed from her home port at Portsmouth Docks after being sold for scrap on December 7, 2016 in Portsmouth, England. The 22,000 tonne ship, whose service started in 1982 in the aftermath of the Falklands War and saw deployments in Bosnia and Sierra Leone, was affectionately known as 'Lusty' and will be broken up for scrap in Turkey despite attempts last minute attempts to save her. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
告別之旅。英國目前唯一一艘服役的航母卓越號(HMS Illustrious)最後一次告別樸茨茅斯港,它將被送到土耳其拆解並當成廢鐵處理。卓越號1982年起開始服役,曾經在波黑和塞拉利昂服役。人們在碼頭向它告別。英國目前處於航母青黃不接的時期。新一代航母「伊麗莎白號」將從明年春季開始下水試航。(Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
SLOUGH, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 08: A general view of the conveyor belts and systems that handle the hundreds of thousands of items of mail that pass through the Royal Mail's Worldwide Distribution Centre on December 8, 2016 in Slough, England. The festive season sees a huge spike in postal items coming through the centre from all over the United Kingdom, destined for international destinations. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
每年聖誕都是郵局最繁忙的時候。倫敦希思羅機場附近的皇家郵政包裹中心已經開足馬力,英國人向世界各地郵寄的包裹就是這樣一層一層處理和分揀的。 (Leon Neal/Getty Images)
英國王室老中青三代盛裝出席12月8日晚間在白金漢宮舉行的外交招待會。王室地位最高的三位女性將王室珍藏的珠寶展示出來。女王佩戴的是藍寶石、鑽石鑲嵌冠狀頭飾。凱特佩戴的是鑲滿鑽石和珍珠的劍橋情人結冠狀頭飾。 ( Dominic Lipinski-WPA Pool/Getty Images)
英國王室老中青三代盛裝出席12月8日晚間在白金漢宮舉行的外交招待會。王室地位最高的三位女性將王室珍藏的珠寶展示出來。女王佩戴的是藍寶石、鑽石鑲嵌冠狀頭飾。凱特佩戴的是鑲滿鑽石和珍珠的劍橋情人結冠狀頭飾。 ( Dominic Lipinski-WPA Pool/Getty Images)
BURNHAM-ON-SEA, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 08: People look at Christmas lights that are displayed on houses in Trinity Close in Burnham-on-Sea on December 8, 2016 in Somerset, England. Since the lights were first turned on ten years ago, the houses in the close have raised tens of thousands of pounds for various charities including a local cancer hospital. The display will be lit every night until January 4th. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
薩默塞特Burnham-on-Sea的Trinity Close小巷的居民將自己的家裝點得漂漂亮亮迎接聖誕。過去的十年裡,每年聖誕節,這裡的居民都會掛出五顏六色的聖誕彩燈和各種裝飾,他們已經為慈善機構籌款幾萬鎊了。 (Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
Elise Christie of Britain (front), Marianne St-Gelais of Canada and Choi Min Jeong (L) of South Korea compete in the women's 500m final at the ISU World Cup Short Track speed skating event in Shanghai December 10, 2016. / AFP / Johannes EISELE (Photo credit should read JOHANNES EISELE/AFP/Getty Images)
像不像三隻輕盈的海鷗?12月10日,在國際滑聯(ISU)短道速滑世界盃上海站的比賽中,英國、加拿大和韓國的三位女選手正在進入彎道部份。 ( JOHANNES EISELE/AFP/Getty Images)

責任編輯: 王婧
