
Ling-Yi Hsieh, David Lee
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World’s Most Expensive Chicken


1. possession: n. 資產
2. criteria: n. 標準
3. intonation: n. 音調
4. vibration : n. 振動
5. bond : n. 連結
6. crow : v. 啼叫
7. hybrid : a. 混血的
8. offspring : n. 後代
9. domestic : a. 家庭的、國內的
10. mascot : n. 吉祥物

It is the annual National Bekisar Chicken Competition in Jakarta, and dozens of Bekisar owners are waiting for the judges to take a look at their prized possession .

How is the Bekisar judged? Although it looks like an ordinary chicken, the Bekisar has a distinct voice. So a Bekisar is mainly judged by its voice, which also determines its monetary value.

For ordinary people, all Bekisar chickens sound the same. But a professional can determine the quality of a Bekisar’s voice. Some of the criteria include intonation and vibration of the voice.

Besides its beautiful voice, the Bekisar can form a special bond with its owner. It can sense what its owner is feeling.

[Joko – Bekisar Chicken Owner]:
“He knew and he was familiar with anybody in my home. When I came home from my office and called his name, he always went looking for me. And if I tell him to crow , he immediately sounds his beautiful crowing. So it looks like he has an ability to understand my heart.”

The Bekisar is the first generation hybrid offspring of a male Green Jungle fowl and a domestic female game chicken. It is the mascot of East Java province.

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