
Daniel Chen, David Lee
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The Great Wall of Chocolate

1. Great Wall .ph萬里長城
2. popularize . v使普及化
3. cocoa-copies . n 可可做的複製品
4. artifact . n 文物
5. edible .adj 可食用的
6. replica .n複製品
7. mortar .n砂漿
8. finishing touches .ph 最後潤色
9. monument .n紀念碑;古蹟

In a move to popularize chocolate among Chinese, the World Chocolate Wonderland is making cocoa-copies of Chinese artifacts.

A 32-foot-long edible replica of the Great Wall of China has been built entirely from solid chocolate bricks and white chocolate mortar.

Staff at the World Chocolate Wonderland put the finishing touches to the chocolate monument in a temperature-controlled showroom in Beijing on Thursday.

10. gradient .n梯度;漸層
11. fit … into place . ph 放到正確位置;放到位
12. line upon line . ph 一排排地
13. terracotta warriors .ph 兵馬俑
14. stand to attention . ph立正站著
15. commonplace .adj平常的;普遍的
16. specialty . n特殊產品

[Wang Qilu, Chocolatier]:
“This part is difficult to do, because of the gradient, you have higher and lower levels and you have to fit each brick into place, one by one, to build it up, it’s more difficult than building the main wall.”

Up to 80 tons of chocolate were used in making the displays, which include line upon line of 560 terracotta warriors standing to attention on a layer of chocolate flakes.

[Tina Zheng, General Manager]:
“Chocolate has not been around in China that long, it doesn’t have that several-thousand-year-long history that it does in the West which has made chocolate as commonplace as milk or fruit. While in China, chocolate is a specialty or something given to children, in general it is not widely known.”

The World Chocolate Wonderland opens to the public at the end of January and will also include booths and displays from domestic and foreign chocolate brands.

* * *
1. the World Chocolate Wonderland
2. cocoa-copies of Chinese artifacts.
3. edible replica
4. solid chocolate bricks
5. white chocolate mortar
6. finishing touches
7. chocolate monument
8. a temperature-controlled showroom
9. you have to fit each brick into place
10. line upon line
11. terracotta warriors
12. standing to attention
13. a layer of chocolate flakes
14. chocolate is a specialty

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