
David Lee
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However, the CCP’s official media recently changed its tone and claimed that there are evil motivations and plans behind the march.


• However,

the CCP’s official media recently changed its tone (S+V+O)

and claimed

– that there are evil motivations and plans 名詞子句

• behind the march. 介係詞片語

Insiders disclosed that under the dictatorship of the CCP, there are complaints and grievances from the general public.


Insiders disclosed (S+V+O)

– that 引導名詞子句,作為disclose的受詞

• under the dictatorship of the CCP, 介係詞片語

– there are complaints and grievances (S+V+SC)

• from the general public. 介係詞片語

In 2004, the Supreme Court alone received more than 140 thousand complaints.
在2004年,單單最高法院(Supreme Court)就接到了超過14萬件控訴案。

The number of people appealing to Beijing is increasing every day.

The recent anti-Japanese protest became a channel for the general public to vent their dissatisfaction and anti-Communist banners and slogans started to appear among the anti-Japanese protesters.


The recent anti-Japanese protest became a channel (S+V+O)

– for the general public介係詞片語

– to vent their dissatisfaction不定詞片語

and anti-Communist banners and slogans started to appear (S+V+O)

– among the anti-Japanese protesters. 介係詞片語

Fearing the fire being drawn to them,the government changed their attitude and began cracking down on the protesters.
由於害怕憤怒之火燒向他們,政府改變了態度,並且開始掃蕩(crack down)抗議群眾。


– Fearing the fire being drawn to them, 分詞片語

the government changed their attitude (S+V+O)

and began cracking down (對等連接詞+V+O)

– on the protesters. 介係詞片語

The Shanghai police station detained 42 people. 16 of them were formally arrested. The international community is closely watching this incident
上海公安局拘捕(detain)了42人,其中16人已正式被捕。國際社會(international community)正密切觀察這個事件(incident)的發展。



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