流行美语 第216课

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李华和Larry今天要和在他们的朋友Jenny一起去钓鱼。李华会学到两个常用语:go ballistic和get a move on。

LH: Jenny怎么这么还不来啊。 我们已经等了20分钟了。 看见她我非和她算账不可。

LL: Hey, calm down Li Hua. Don’t go ballistic on Jenny when she gets here, there might be a good reason for her being late.

LH: 你说不要对Jenny怎么样?Ballistic? 我就知道ballistic missile,弹道导弹。

LL: That’s different. I said, don’t go ballistic. To go ballistic on someone means to get really angry, lose control and start screaming at this person.

LH: 原来你是说不要对Jenny大发脾气, 我当然不会了。我确实讨厌别人迟到,但是我决不会对人大声嚷嚷,礼貌还是要的。

LL: Oh really? What about that time you went ballistic on one of your students in Chinese class?

LH: 那个学生作弊,我当然得训斥了他两句呀!但是,我也没有对他大发雷霆, I didn’t go ballistic on him。 要是你,恐怕就会go ballistic了。

LL: Ok, then, what about the time that guy almost hit you with his car, and you were so angry – you definitely went ballistic on him.

LH: 那个人边开车边打电话,差点撞到我和一位老太太。我当然非常生气了。你可以说,我是发脾气了,I did go ballistic on him。 不过那是特别情况。我差一点命都没了。

LL: Didn’t you tell me before that you used to go ballistic on your old roommate all the time?

LH: 没错,我以前常跟我的同屋发脾气。 可是你知道,每天我要作功课了,她总是大声放那种摇滚乐,我跟她说了还不听。过了一个月,我实在受不了才对她发脾气的。

LL: Well, I definitely remember I heard you talking to someone in Chinese on the phone the other day, and it sounded to me like you really went ballistic on them.

LH: 你听到我在电话上跟人发火了?那是我表姐。 不过我并没有跟她发脾气呀。你今天是怎么了, 你老是指责我,不断地翻老账。 你要是再没完没了,我就对你不客气了。 I’ll be going ballistic on you.

LL: I’m sorry, you’re right, I shouldn’t tease.

LH: 什么?你这么一 本正经的,原来是在逗我呀。 真气死人了。


LH: Larry, Jenny还没有来, 我们还要等多久啊?

LL: I think we’ve waited long enough. She must have overslept. Oh well, let’s get a move on.

LH: 我肯定她睡过头了。一般她是很准时的。不过Larry,你说get a move on,那是什么意思啊?

LL: To get a move on means to hurry up, to start going somewhere.

LH: 我明白了。 To get a move on的意思是赶快走。昨天我在上课的路上遇见Jenny, 她说,We had better get a move on,or we’ll be late。当时我还不太清楚什么是get a move on。现在才清楚她是让我赶快走,不然就要迟到了。

LL: Right, OK, well, let’s get a move on then, it’s getting late.

LH: 好吧,噢,Larry,对不起,我把防晒油忘在宿舍里了, 请你等一下。

LL: Don’t worry. I have some sunscreen right here. Now come on, it’s almost six thirty – we need to get a move on.

LH: 好吧, 那我就用你的防晒油吧。

(Cell phone rings)

LH: 很可能是Jenny打来的电话, 让我来接吧。

LL: (sighs) Oh great!Tell her to get a move on. If she isn’t here in five minutes we have to leave.

LH: 对,我们最多只等5分钟, 过期不候。Larry, 要是我和我爷爷去看电影,我想催他赶紧走,能对他说get a move on吗?

LL: No way, that would be rude.

LH: 我也这么想呢! 你要是对长辈说get a move on是不太礼貌。对同年龄的人或年纪比你小的可以这么说,是吗?

LL: Sure, telling someone your own age or younger to get a move on is fine. I remember once when I was waiting in a traffic jam in New York I went ballistic and started yelling at the other cars to get a move on.

LH: 那你不能在纽约开车,纽约堵车是常事。你每次碰到堵车就大喊大叫?叫了也没用。 看来你也太没礼貌了。 刚才居然还批评我。

LL: Hey, there’s Jenny, let’s get a move on before the fish stop biting.

天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是go ballistic,意思是大发雷霆。另一个常用语是get a move on,意思是赶快走。(http://www.dajiyuan.com)

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