流行美語 第352課

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【大紀元2010年11月24日訊】李華和Larry要去聽演唱會。今天我們要學兩個常用語:run-of-the-mill和roll the dice。

LH: Larry,今天晚上的演唱會好聽麼?那個樂隊是甚麼類型的啊?

L: Well … they’re kind of hard to describe. Their music is a mixture of many different styles.

LH: 各種音樂的混合?聽著很有新意! 現在很多樂隊都沒有自己的風格,跟別的樂隊差不多,沒意思。

L: I totally agree, Lihua. Luckily, they are not just some run-of-the-mill rock band.

LH: Run of the mill? 是甚麼意思?

L: When you say that something is run-of-the-mill, that means that it is very average, or just like all the others.

LH: 哦,run-of-the-mill就是沒特色的,千篇一律的。你的意思是,這個樂隊並不是那種毫無特色的樂隊。

L: Exactly! For example, the makers of Avatar said it would not be just another run-of-the-mill action movie, and would be like nothing anyone had seen before.

LH: 對,電影「阿凡達」當初宣傳的時候,就說自己是非同尋常的,觀眾從沒看過的新類型電影。對了,Larry, 這個樂隊我怎麼從沒聽說過啊?

L: Well, they still aren’t very well known, so only music magazines write about them. You won’t read about them in the standard, run-of-the-mill newspapers.

LH: 哦,主流媒體沒報導他們,只有在比較專業的音樂雜誌上才會看到關於他們的介紹。Larry, 我有點餓,咱們去演唱會前是不是先吃點東西?

L: Sure, where do you want to eat?

LH: 不知道……麥當勞吧!

L: McDonalds? I don’t want to eat at some run-of-the-mill fast food restaurant.

LH: 可是演唱會還有半個小時就開始了。吃麥當勞快啊。

L: Don’t worry, we can be a little late. I think the opening band is just some run-of-the-mill pop band.

LH: 你是說,負責暖場的樂隊沒甚麼特色,不看也沒關係。那咱們去吃壽司吧。

L: Sounds good! Let’s go.


Larry and 李華在談論剛結束的演唱會。

LH: Larry, 這個樂隊太棒了! 他們肯定會紅!

L: Do you think so? It takes a lot of luck to become a famous band. There is a lot of competition out there.

LH: 你說得也對。不過要想成名,就得努力抓住機會,試試看嘛!

L: Right, even though the chances aren’t very good, sometimes you just have to roll the dice.

LH: Roll the dice? 你是說擲骰子麼?

L: Right. When you roll the dice, that means that you take a chance, just like when you make a bet gambling.

LH: 哦,roll the dice和擲骰子一樣,表示碰碰運氣! 你是說,雖然很多樂隊最終紅不了,但是想出名的人還是應該碰碰運氣,說不定就能成功?

L: Exactly. Here’s another example. Terrence wasn’t sure he would like living in New York, but he decided to roll the dice and move there anyway.

LH: 哦,Terrence並不知道自己會不會喜歡紐約,不過他還是決定先搬過去,住住試試。Larry, 如果是你,你想住在甚麼地方?

L: Definitely Hawaii! I’m not sure that I could find a job there, but it’s such a beautiful place that sometimes I think it’s worth rolling the dice.

LH: 哈哈,即使冒著找不到工作的危險,你也想搬去夏威夷?我和你不一樣,我想去羅馬,而且我肯定能有工作,我要去當意大利菜大廚!

L: Wow, that is definitely a roll of the dice. You don’t know how to cook Italian food!

LH: A roll of the dice? 你是說我希望渺茫?我不管,不會可以學嘛!對了,說到意大利菜,咱們去你家附近那個餐館吃點宵夜吧。

L: I don’t know … I read in the newspaper that it’s just boring, run-of-the-mill Italian food.

LH: 別聽報紙的,咱們自己試試去!

L: Well alright, let’s roll the dice and see what happens.

LH: 好! 吃完了咱們再去看個午夜場電影! 最近有甚麼好片麼?

L: I’m not sure … Let’s just roll the dice. We’ll just go to the theater and watch whatever movie happens to be playing.

LH: 這樣也不錯! 走吧!

今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是run-of-the-mill, 表示沒有特色,千篇一律。另一是roll the dice, 意思是碰運氣。

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