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【大紀元2022年07月30日訊】尊敬的美國總統拜登和議長佩洛西 你們好!


作為1989年天安門學運領袖,我走出中共監牢,於1992年6月來到美國獲得政治庇護。我深知自由的不易,很快就於1994年加入美國陸軍成為一名戰士。後來在偉大的參議員Storm Thurmond 的幫助下,回到學校讀了八年書,保留後備役服務。因911恐怖事件,國家需要前線軍牧,我相應總統號召,毅然第二次加入美國陸軍現役,代表紐約人民奔赴伊拉克前線,捍衛美國憲法並服事美國將士。在陸軍服役共27年後,我於去年回到家鄉紐約。






自那以後,中領館,繼續與僑民組織打招呼,要他們不要參加我的活動。 例如, 這個月18號,因為Fox News對我採訪報導,原定有400多人參加,中領館又對決定參加的僑領發出威懾指令,結果,大部分答應要來的都沒有來。

更有嚴重的事, 有幾個長期親共分子直接帶人進入中領館,具體策劃如何破壞我的參選。這些,都有人證。









Letter from New York Congressional Candidate Yan Xiong to President Biden and Speaker Pelosi

–Calling on the U.S. government to immediately close the Chinese Consulate in New York and immediately launch an investigation into the criminal conduct of the Chinese Consulate in interfering in the U.S. election

Dear President Biden and Speaker Pelosi,

I am Yan Xiong, a current candidate for Congress in New York’s 10th Congressional District. I am writing to you regarding the serious interference of the Chinese Consulate in New York in the U.S. election, especially the disruption of my campaign. I am urging you and specific government agencies to immediately close the Chinese Consulate in New York and investigate their criminal behavior in order to defend the U.S. Constitution, restore the freedom of the American people, and protect American values.

As a leader of the 1989 Tiananmen School Movement, I came out of a Chinese Communist prison and was granted political asylum in the United States in June 1992. sKnowing how hard-fought freedom is, I enlisted the U.S. Army as a soldier in 1994. Later, with the help of the great Senator Strom Thurmond, I went back to school for eight years and remained an army reserve officer. As a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the nation needed frontline soldiers and I responded to the President’s call to join the U.S. Army on active duty for a second time, representing the people of New York on the frontlines in Iraq, defending the U.S. Constitution and serving the American soldiers. After a total of 27 years of service in the Army, I returned home to New York last year.

As a retired military officer and father of eight children, and a doctorate with a 15-year college career, I hoped to spend my later years writing and caring for my family. However, the situation in New York has become so distressing, with the new COVID variants, the economic crisis, hate crimes, and racial tensions. With the support of my community, I decided to run for Congress in New York’s 10th Congressional District. In the process, I have established extensive contacts with people in the Chinese community and garnered their approval and support.

However, the Chinese Consulate blocked my candidacy through various means because I was a former student leader in Tiananmen Square and had published many articles about freedom, democracy and human rights, including my declaration of withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party in 2005. In the document released by the Ministry of Justice on March 16, the CCP even sent people to create scandals, car accidents, assassinate me, etc.

I have many witnesses and evidence regarding the specific interference and disruption of my candidacy by the Chinese Consulate.

For example, when I returned to New York from visiting Ukraine on March 16th, I was supposed to start work at my campaign office in Chinatown on the 19th and have a confirmed fundraising party, but the consulate informed their pro-communist expatriate leaders on the 17th and 18th that they could not attend my events, make donations, or vote, and threatened them that if they did not comply, they would not be allowed to return to their home countries to do business.

On that night of the 19th, the majority of the expected turnout of over 500 attendees did not show up. Afterwards, many overseas leaders approached me and our team members and explained that it was not because they did not support the event, but because of the pressure and threats from the Chinese Consulate. Since then, the Chinese Consulate, continues to greet with oversea Chinese organizations and pressure them not to attend my events.

For example, on the 18th of this month, because of my interview on Fox News, more than 400 people were scheduled to attend the event, and the Chinese Consulate issued a deterrence order to the oversea Chinese leaders who decided to attend. In a more serious matter, several long-time pro-communists brought people directly into the Chinese Consulate to plan exactly how to sabotage my candidacy. All of these have been witnessed.

In view of the above, I am writing to the President and the Speaker of the House to ask you, as personal friends of 30 years, and in defense of the U.S. Constitution, to seriously examine the long-standing interference of the Chinese Consulate in U.S. elections throughout the United States, and in particular, the disruption and interference of the Chinese Consulate in New York in my own candidacy.

I urge that you and the relevant government agencies immediately shut down the Chinese Consulate in New York and launch an investigation into their criminal conduct.

I am a soldier who has defended the U.S. Constitution for 27 years, and I will continue to defend it. I am determined to see the New York Chinese Consulate’s interference in the U.S. election and sabotage of my candidacy through to the end!

Sincerely yours,

Yan Xiong

