看新闻,学英语(141) OPEC狂降原油供给

Eugenia Lee
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这是一则有关世界石油输出国家组织(OPEC)调整原油(crude oil)产量(output, supply)的新闻。调降产量,会造成价格的上扬,这就是所谓市场供需法则,亚当斯密所称的“一只看不见的手”(an invisible hand)。关于“调降”,记者一般会使用cut, decrease, lower, reduce等字。

Oil Production Down OPEC Savagely Cuts Oil Supply



1. savagely: 野蛮地;残忍地凶猛地

2. barrel: n.桶

3. slump : v.下跌

4.adherence: n.坚持,严守固执

5. be obliged to: v. 必须

6 inventory : n. 库存

7. crude : adj. 天然的、生的、未经加工的 crude oil 原油

8.in check: n.抑止

Oil Production Down OPEC Savagely Cuts Oil Supply

Anchor: OPEC ministers have agreed to cut a record 2.2 million barrels per day from the oil markets. The move is aimed at cutting supplies as oil prices continue to fall amid slumping demand. But there are doubts about how effective the cuts will be.

Oil trader Ray Carbone:
“Even though they are cutting production the real key is the adherence to those production cuts which had some problems in the September cuts people were not abiding by the cuts that they’re obliged to make.”
原油交易员Ray Carbone表示:“即使减产,关键仍在于是否能坚持减产,九月份时有些成员国并没有遵守减产约定。”

Oil prices have been in a freefall – coming down more than $100 from their July peak of $147 dollars a barrel. They now trade close to $40 a barrel.

Supplies remain strong- a U.S. government inventory report released Wednesday showed crude supplies rose last week. And consumers concern about the economy and weak dollar has kept demand in check.

This cut comes on top of existing reductions of 2 million barrels a day at its last 2 meetings–cuts that have had little impact.


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