
(From L) Chef Ron Blaauw, Chairman of a herring checking committee Peter Koelewijn and fish specialist Adriaan van Moort approve the new herring (Nieuwe Haring) on June 14, 2016 in the harbour of Scheveningen. 
The first barrel of new herring was auctioned in the fish auction of Scheveningen for 90.000, with the money donated to charity. / AFP / ANP / Jerry Lampen / Netherlands OUT        (Photo credit should read JERRY LAMPEN/AFP/Getty Images)
(大紀元記者安琪荷蘭報導)荷蘭今年的鯡魚季節於6月14日拉開序幕,超市集團Plus將第一桶生鯡魚帶到了一年一度的慈善拍賣會上,最後以9萬歐元拍賣成交。 第一桶鯡魚拍賣 這筆錢將捐給棄兒基金會,這是一個幫助照顧被遺棄或無家可歸兒童...

标签: 鯡魚

相關話題:拍賣 荷蘭 身價