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“别小看它们!把它们的茎叶取来熬汁,加点粉浆及粳油,冷却后就变成黑紫色洋菜 状物,切成小块,加入糖水和刨冰或削冰,就是你们现在吃的这些夏日清凉解渴圣品了。不但这样,仙草还可以降低血压,治疗淋病及肾脏病呢!”


Mesona   Hsu ChiCheng

“It’s so hot, may we have a cup of mesona ice, how good it is!”
“Yes! It could be better!…Wow, it’s there, lo! That way beside the road…”
“Well! Let’s go!”
“Wei! How to produce mesona ice? What is the image? Do you know?”
“I don’t know!”
“May we ask the shopkeeper!”
“As to mesona! They are also called sian uncle, leung fun cho, fairy grass, sian jelly etc, spread everywhere in mountainous area and beside the road, are annuals, they all cape with hairs divide into knot on stem, red brown in colour, the leaves are oval to ellipse, there are sawtooth in the edge, there are smooth or some hairs on the half of the upper face, and there are hairs spread scatter on below face, blossom in summer and winter, florescence grows on top or armpit, clock shape in calyx, two flower lips, it’s longer in upper lip, tube shape in corolla, light purple, four pieces of pistil, two long, two short, style flat and plane, two divides in the head… In fact, these explanation you may not know, well, this is it, you may know as you see.”
“Wow, so unconspicuous!”
“Not look down upon them! Take their stem and leaves to stew juice, add some starch and stalk oil, they will become black and purple of agar –like things, cut them into block, add sugar water and ice, frappe , they are the sainthood to cool and quench you in summer and you eat now. Not only thus, mesona can low down blood pressure, heal gonorrhea and chronic kidney disease!”
“Wow, how wonderful!” @


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