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The captain  Hsu ChiCheng

“Set out!”
The captain orders to set out while it’s ready.

The order to set out is specially belong to the captain. Any ship needs the order of captain to set out. No ship can set out without the order of the captain.

“Set out!”
A ship sets out.

There may some one on the ship still not forget the landscape, property, wife and child, jubilant and soft and sentimental; but he won’t. He must to raise the marlin spike bravely, wield force to cut all the feeling string or worry, set out toward the sea, in spite of what is it the point of departure, and the intermediate station also.

Whole the ship entrusts to him. He must be a person of resolution and
determination. Except wields the feeling string or worry, he must set out to brave winds and waves toward the sea again. He grasps whole the ship and the safety of all the life and property which on the ship, holds the key to perform to reach termination.

Aim the target, insist on voyage, don’t deviate, don’t hesitate. It’s his main work. For reach the target, he must prepare the compass, and believes the direction which it indicated. According to the direction which the compass indicated, aim the target, insist to voyage, don’t to be the end if it can’t reach the termination.

Alone and solitary are two big enemies of success. Stands the lonesome and solitary and do the best try to resolve them, is the biggest guarantee of success. It can’t be hard to avoid on the voyage on the sea. He must stand and do his best to resolve it.

Of course, there is the time of surgeless, however, it’s impossible of as right as rain, it can’t be hard to avoid the danger of winds and waves, make the ship lost its road in the thick fog and submerged reef, even plunder of irrationality. He needs not afraid, he must brave to forward.

If by any chance, shipwrecking is happened, he must keep in mind: do your best to stand firm the ship. If there is the sinking of the ship, he must be the last person to depart the ship. He will be even he to sink with the ship if the other persons have not departed the ship. This is the most important character possessed as a captain. Ksitigarbha vowed:” Not to achieve Buddhahood until all hells are emptied. “So it does.

Oh captain, give your order to set out! @


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