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Taiwan stages military exercise to test its combat readiness.


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Anna: Taiwan holds its annual war games to strengthen its defense against the growing military threat of China.
1. hold: to take place= to stage, 举行。
2. threat: n. A menace. 胁迫、恐吓、威胁。
3. war game: military exercise= military drill=maneuver ,军事演习。


The exercises involved the largest recall of civilian troops ever as part of Taiwan’s all-out defense strategy.
1. involve: To implicate; draw into. 连累;卷入。
2. recall: v.t. To order or summon back. 召回。
3. civilian: n. One engaged in civil affairs or pursuits. 平民;老百姓。
4. troop: Armed forces; soldiers collectively. 军队。
5. all-out: 全力以赴。all out mobilization: 总动员。


STORY: Under the shadow of a growing military threat from China, Taiwan recalled thousands of civilian reserve troops to take part in the island’s annual war games for the first time on Wednesday to beef up its defense against the Communist nation.
1. shadow: Partial darkness within certain limits. 阴影。
2. civilian reserve troops: 民众储备军队,亦即后备军人。
3. to take part in: to participate. 参加。
4. annual: adj., Happening, pertaining to, or returning, once in twelve months; yearly. 每年的;年度的;一年一次的。
5. beef up: spice up= step up= prop up= strengthen= boost, 加强。


– Under the shadow 第一组前置介系词词组表状态
• of a growing military threat
– from China,
• Taiwan recalled thousands of civilian reserve troops 主要子句S+V+O
– to take part 不定词词组表目地
• in the island’s annual war games第二组介系词词组表对象
• for the first time 第三组介系词词组表频率
– on Wednesday 第四组介系词词组表时间
– to beef up its defense 不定词词组表目地
• against the Communist nation.第五组介系词词组表对象

Around 6,000 civilian reserve troops will be mobilized to participate in the annual Han drills. 26-year-old Liu Ming-wei who was working full time in the near by factory before he was recalled for training said, “I am very excited, because everyone has a duty towards their homeland. These exercises will improve our ability to fight with enemy,”
1. around: about, 大约
2. drill: war game= military exercise, 军事演习
3. near by: neighboring, 附近。
4. factory: A place where goods are made; a manufactory; plant. 工厂。


China’s continued expansion of its military and increased deployment of missiles against Taiwan has tilted the balance of military power between both sides.
1. expansion: n. The act of spreading out. 扩张。
2. deployment: n. Movement by which a body of troops is spread out in battle line. (军事、部队之)部署。
3. tilt: v.t. To raise at one end; tip. 掀起一端;使倾侧。

China has repeatedly threatened to use military power against the island if it declares independence and has staged a series of naval exercises off the coast of Taiwan.
1. naval: adj. Of or pertaining to war vessels or a navy. 战舰的;海军的。
2. off the coast of Taiwan: 台湾外海。off, 离开之意。


• China has repeatedly threatened to use military power 主要子句
• against the island
– if it declares independence 副词子句
• and has staged a series of naval exercises 对等子句
– off the coast
• of Taiwan.

President Chen Shui Bian said he hoped for diplomatic talks with China.
” The national security and the stability across the strait is the foundation for our national development. Therefore, I am always hoping to start the negotiation with China based on the principle of peace, equality and democracy,”
1. national security: 国家安全
2. national development: 国家发展
3. negotiation: n. the act of concluding by treaty, bargain, or agreement.蹉商、谈判。
4. principle: A settled rule or law of action or conduct.(行为的)原则。

【译文】:陈水扁总统说,他希望与中国外交谈判。“ 海峡两岸的国家安全与稳定,是我们国家发展的基础。因此,我总是希望站在和平、对等与民主的基点上,与中国开始协商。”@、



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