
David Lee
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看完了英文大纪元上的标题新闻,以及Getty Image的英语图片新闻,我们今天进一步来看1月25日新唐人英语新闻(NTD English News),对于这场五十年不遇的雪灾报导。




China Covered in Heavy Snow

Large parts of China remain covered in heavy snow and more is forecast for the next few days. Transportation and power supplies are being strained as millions are preparing for the Lunar New Year Festival.

Heavy snows lasting for two weeks have paralyzed large parts of China.

Coal and power supplies have been sapped by the heavy snowfall, which has slowed transportation and damaged power lines. Transport services are especially threatened across the country, as tens of millions of people are returning home for New Years beginning February 7th.

In northern Shaanxi province, a new round of blizzards have forced the closure of most highways. The low temperatures increased energy consumption and most of the power plants across the affected regions are overloaded.

Icy roads claimed the lives of 11 people who were killed when an overloaded bus overturned in Anhui province, and more were killed when houses collapsed under the weight of the snow.


新闻标题China Covered in Heavy Snow 是指“中国被覆盖在大雪中”。标题中省了be动词is,完整的写法是:China is covered in Heavy Snow.

豪雨、浓雾、大雪的写法可不是用big喔,而是用heavy,所以豪雨是heavy rain, 浓雾是heavy fog, 大雪是heavy snow,当然豪雨也可说是“torrential rain”。

大风雪除了用heavy snow, snowstorm之外,还有一个字叫blizzard,是指“暴风雪”的意思。近来不只是大陆发生暴风雨,欧洲也有blizzard的发生。


【原文】Large parts of China remain covered in heavy snow and more is forecast for the next few days.

【原文】Transportation and power supplies are being strained as millions are preparing for the Lunar New Year Festival.

“to strain” means to stretch even beyond proper limits. “stretch”这个动词意思就是“紧绷”之意。To stretch是“伸展”的意思,伸展到超过适当的限制,所以是非常紧绷的意思。


【原文】Heavy snows lasting for two weeks have paralyzed large parts of China.

Heavy snows lasting for two weeks 这是以现在分词词组lasting for two weeks作为名词Heavy snows的后位修饰。中文里完全没有名词的后位修饰,但英文中大量使用后位修饰放在名词之后,翻成中文时就全部会放在名词的前面,因此译成中文就是“持续两周的大”雪,heavy就是属于前位修饰。

另外一个值得学习的动词就是to paralyze。

To paralyze means to cause a person or part of the body to become partly or wholly incapable of movement, or to bring to a standstill by causing disruption.

【原文】Coal and power supplies have been sapped by the heavy snowfall, which has slowed transportation and damaged power lines.

To sap means to weaken, as strength or confidence.

Which就是代表the heavy snowfall的关系代名词. 本句如果分解为两个句子就是:
1.Coal and power supplies have been sapped by the heavy snowfall.
2.The heavy snowfall has slowed transportation and damaged power lines.

【原文】Transport services are especially threatened across the country, as tens of millions of people are returning home for New Years beginning February 7th.

【原文】In northern Shaanxi province, a new round of blizzards have forced the closure of most highways. The low temperatures increased energy consumption and most of the power plants across the affected regions are overloaded.

【原文】Icy roads claimed the lives of 11 people who were killed when an overloaded bus overturned in Anhui province, and more were killed when houses collapsed under the weight of the snow.

本篇英文新闻稿讲解告一段段,现在请读者诸君移驾新唐人英语新闻网站,看与听原新闻报导影片:http://english.ntdtv.com/?c=145&a=1633 希望本篇的讲解对大家的读与听英语新闻有所帮助。并在新年前夕,跟大家拜年,祝福大纪元读者诸君新春吉祥如意、鼠年平安!
Happy Lunar New Year & Heaven Bless All of Chinese.

David Lee

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