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Relaxation / ink and color painting

You must have a relaxed frame of mind when you paint this kind of painting.

In this work, I spread out the paper, and splashed colors where I wanted. Without any preconception of what I was trying to achieve, I proceeded to do what I felt needed to be done, and stopped where I felt I should stop. Without any goal in mind, I applied ink and colors as I wished. After the painting was completed, I felt especially relaxed, happy, and satisfied.

It is wonderful to have such an attitude when painting.

You shouldn’t stress out yourself when painting. You should paint as long as it pleases you, and shouldn’t compare yourself with others, as everyone has his or her own style. Others can paint anything they like, and I can paint what I like. I am not going to be affected by anyone. I paint mine, you paint yours, and he paints his—We should paint our own things.

There is nothing that can replace the enjoyment of painting. I paint what I think in my mind, what I see with my eyes, and what I move with my hands, and all of these have inspired very satisfying works. I immerse myself in very wonderful things.

I thank God for blessing us with a pair of eyes that can tell the difference between beautiful and ugly, a pair of skillful hands, and a heart full of feelings, so I can nurture my own spiritual world in front of my desk.@



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