
David Lee
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以下是一则财经犯罪的新闻。“控告”是看懂犯罪新闻最重要的关键结构字,新闻记者一般会用 accuse, allege, charge, indict, sue, prosecute 这六个字来指涉“控告、起诉”。

一般与金钱有关的犯罪就是诈欺(fraud, swindle)、贪污(corruption, graft)、A钱(embezzlement, 也就是挪用公款)。

Samsung Chairman Steps Down

1. to infringe: to break a rule, law, etc.侵犯。tax infringement: 逃税。
2. indictment:N., a formal statement of accusation. 起诉
3. conglomerate:N., group, syndicate. 集团.
4. evasion:N., The act of eluding or getting out of the way. 逃避
5. breach of trust:背信。breach: The breaking of a law, or a contrat, etc.
6. probe:N., investigation. 调查
7. corruption:N., graft, 贪污
8. slush fund:行贿资金
9. bribery:贿赂
10. to reflect on:对….反省

We have a new development in the ongoing Samsung Group tax infringement indictment. Samsung Group head Lee Kun-hee has announced that he is quitting his post at South Korea’s largest conglomerate.

Just last week Lee was indicted for tax evasion and breach of trust.

[Lee Kun-hee, Former Samsung Group Chairman]:
“I will step down from the Samsung chairman position today. I am saddened as there is still much to do and a way to go, but I will leave with all the faults of the past.”

In January a special prosecutor launched a probe into corruption allegations. That came after a former top legal executive at the group said some of its top management hid money and kept a slush fund to bribe politicians, prosecutors and officials. But the prosecutor found no evidence to support the bribery allegation.

If found guilty on the tax evasion charge Lee could serve from five years to life in jail. South Koreans had divided opinions over Lee’s resignation.

[Han Shin, 39-year-old]:
“It looks like a punishment for the chairman. The leader could have resigned after Samsung reflected on its past and reformed itself.”

[Lee Sang-hoon, 51-year-old]:
51岁的李先生说:”It’s good timing to end his job. Samsung will be able to develop more.”



* * *

He who has health has hope.

Two heads are better than one.

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