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Falun Dafa Art Exhibition

本则英语影音新闻及出处:新唐人电视台英语新闻 http://english.ntdtv.com/?c=145&a=5779(可线上观看)

Anchor: Also in Taiwan: an exhibition of paintings by artists from the spiritual group Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa. In mainland China, the Communist Party is engaged in an ongoing persecution of Falun Gong, sending adherents to be tortured in labor camps. The paintings at this exhibition aim to raise awareness through telling their stories.

STORY: [Jin-hua Zhang, Taiwan Falun Dafa Association]:
“When I look at those paintings I feel very touched, I’m almost crying, but I tell myself, ‘don’t cry,’ what you should do is not just crying, you should let people know that this persecution is happening now in mainland China.”

“Taiwan is a free society, and those Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan, probably more than 600-thousand people practicing Falun Gong and they enjoy freedom, democracy and legal protection in Taiwan.”


1. exhibition: n. 展览

2. the Communist Party: n.共产党

3. persecution: n.迫害

4. labor camp: n.劳教所

5. the Taiwan Strait: n. 台湾海峡

6. democracy: n. 民主

7. legal: a.合法的

8. Association: n. 协会

The Taiwan Falun Dafa Association displays the works of Falun Dafa practitioners with a clear purpose.

Jin-hua Zhang said: “The main purpose of this art exhibition as of course to show what happened in mainland China and how serious the persecution is and how Falun Gong members try their best to tell the truth to the world.

“Like for this painting in the poster we see a little girl who is in the rain and tries her best to tell the truth that those cultivators in mainland China are killed just because of their belief, their belief in truthfulness, compassion and tolerance and then the persecution in mainland China is so serious, it is illegal, it is inhumane.” She said.

Taiwan, still officially known as the Republic of China, when it comes to human rights is a stark contrast to its communist big brother. We talked to Jia-wen Yao, former president of the Taiwan Examination Bureau, about the situation.


9. display: n. 展览

10. works: n.作品[C] 

11. try one’s best: phr.尽力

12. poster: n.海报

13. inhumane: a.不人道的

14. contrast: n.对比

[Jia-wen Yao, Taiwan Examination Bureau]:
“The situation in China, there are many issues. People who are innocent, peoples’ rights, people’s freedom they are suppressed. The Chinese Communist Party fears people gathering together and people’s activities, those kinds of things are suppressed.”

A sense of beauty and perseveranceamidst great hardship. Whether this exhibition can achieve its goal, only time will tell.

This is Ben Hedges, NTD, Taipei.
Ben Hedges新唐人台北报导。


15. innocent: a.无辜的

16. right: n. 权利

17. suppress: v. 镇压

18. perseverance: n.坚忍、毅力

19. hardship: n.艰难,困苦

20. achieve: v. 实现、达到


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