
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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An afternoon in May, 2003, I was suddenly taken to a guards’ office. Four men were chatting and laughing with the Chatou chief in the office; they stopped to look hostilely at me the instant I limped in.

The Chatou chief told me with hostility written all over her face, that they were two officials with the Guangdong Political and Lawful Committee and two officials with the Guangzhou Labor Camp Bureau.

(Later on I got to know that, the two officials with the Political and Lawful Committee were actually 610.)

One of the 610 said to me in a harsh tone, “Yiwen Tang, we demand that you give an account of the torture. If your account is not true, you will be penalized as committing perjury.”

Thereupon I started elaborating on the torture.

“Speak faster!” the 610 snapped at me while taking notes.

I was so weak I had difficulty saying each word.

The other three men stared hostilely at me, butting in asking me tricky questions time and again.

I clearly answered all their tricky questions. Because I had clearly observed, and still clearly remembered, every detail of the three days’ torture.

As I related the torture, they ridiculed me at times. For example, when I was relating being force-fed chilly sauce, they said, “It’s not a big deal at all to drink a bit of chilly sauce! Maybe you don’t eat chilly?”

Unmoved by them, I stayed peaceful, sensible, and polite.

When I was done, one of the Labor Camp Bureau officials told me to give a written account of the torture, saying he would have the guards give me writing-paper, and that they wanted it first thing next morning.

“Could you please give me a bit more time?” I asked.

It was already sundown, and the two hours of testifying had made me exhausted.

“No way! We’ll come get it first thing tomorrow morning!” He refused my request without a second thought, his eyes and voice filled with unconcealed hostility.

I no longer said anything.

As I limped out of the office, I saw a small box of milk on the table. The guards had placed a bottle of mineral water and a box of milk on the table before each of the four men, who were their superiors. The 610 who took notes didn’t drink his milk.

I had never seen any green vegetables, let alone milk, ever since being incarcerated.

I had not thought it hard.

But tonight, I needed some nutrition.

I politely asked the 610 if he would mind me taking the milk he wouldn’t drink.

He said of course not.

I could see that, though he was hostile to Dafa and Dafa practitioners, the way I conducted myself when relating the torture had won over his admiration.

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