
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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As soon as December, 2002 came, the Third Brigade chief announced loudly before all the inmates of the brigade:

“Our superiors have given us a merciless order: Make all the Falun Gong in Chatou renounce Falun Gong by the end of this year! We are determined to do whatever it takes to accomplish our superiors’ order!”

On coming back to the cell, a watching-inmate around me said to me, “You have no choice but yield. It’s a merciless order. You can’t possibly tough it out. Quickly yield, then you don’t have to suffer tortures anymore.”

As I limped painfully from the second floor cell to the first floor bathroom, the inmate who was designated by the guards to patrol outside the cells looked my body up and down, saying to me sympathetically, “Yiwen Tang, you have got to think it over. Don’t joke with your life. You are all skin and bones now; a gust of wind can blow you away! How can you possibly hold on? It’s a merciless order. That means they’ll torture you till you yield!”

Yu was transferred away from me right away. An evil, brutal watching-inmate took her place.

Reluctance and worry were written all over Yu’s face as she left. She neither asked me to yield nor asked me to stand firm. It seemed that she had no idea what to do in the circumstances.

Because of lacking nutrition and movement, my legs had atrophied and become as thin as a child’s.

A Third Brigade doctor advised me to take hot bath every day, and she laughed upon saying that, for she herself knew full well that the guards wouldn’t possibly allow.

The weather was glacial then. Wearing thick coats, the guards still shivered with cold. Every day, they didn’t let me take the bath till 9:00p.m.

Scantily-clad, (I took off most of my clothes before going to the bathroom so as to save the time of undressing, for the bath time was extremely brief), with one hand carrying a plastic pail and the other holding on to the banister, I limped down the stairs as quickly as possible from the second floor cell to the first floor bathroom.

The moment the glacial water poured down my body, my body smoked with cold; my injured feet and legs instantly stiffened and became swollen worse.

The pain of my injuries had made me hard to sleep. After taking the glacial bath, it got even worse.

One day, while walking down the stairs with me to the bathroom, seeing that I was limping really painfully and slowly, the watching-inmate took over my pail and carried it for me. On seeing the scene, a guard scolded her hard for being so good to Falun Gong. She was so frightened thereafter however painfully I limped down the stairs inch by inch, one hand carrying a pail and the other holding on to the banister, she only watched beside me indifferently without giving a hand.

“Quickly yield! Then you can go home to enjoy hot bath and comfortable bed!” she said to me while taking the bath.

Giving up my faith for worldly ease and comfort – such thought never crossed my mind.

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