

Classic lamp shines white light(Fotolia)

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The Lamp Hsu ChiCheng
When day is pushed by time according to the rule of nature, walks to the inevitable termination of fate, dark will cover the world with its fine and dense net, make night to be pitch-black; if it’s no moon and star, it will more black, let us can’t distinguish all things of the world. It appears that how importance is the lamp.
Lamp and light like bone and flesh, light will exist forever only there is a lamp.
Dark gives us the feeling of at a loss, bewildered, fear, unlucky. Nobody likes dark, nobody dislikes light too. “Wishing there is a lamp!” This is the biggest wishing of everybody while in the dark. If there truly appears a lamp, it will like a person trudging in the unlimited desert, extremely hoping for drink, views suddenly the oasis and spring of sweet well, like lose his way in barren mountain and wild forest, want to have food when hungry extremely, meets food suddenly, likes he no sleep and rest a week successively for a week, sleepy extremely to want to sleep, tired extremely to want to rest, obtains an opportunity to sleep and rest, likes in the lose and fatigued, obtains a little clue for solution suddenly, how to measure the pleasure?
“Oh, it is the lamp!”
“Light is hopping!”
Street lamp, stands by the roadside, points and leads the road for back home, points and leads everybody to go on the bright road…
Light house, stands on sea bank, with the shining lamp, points and leads the boat on the vast sea, gets no lose, sails to termination…
In the heart of everybody, ought to have a lamp, leads him to go on brilliant road, beautiful future…@


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