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Miracle leaf   Hsu ChiCheng

Miracle leaf, it grows root immediately while leaf falls down on the ground.

Yes, grows root immediately while leaf falls down on the ground. Ground is the mother of wealth, the root of all life. Where root lands without ground? How life exists, grows, flourishes, ripens, bears?

Life needs metabolism. Last generation needs to foster future generation, even to give up self help to achieve a desired end to future generation, let them can multiply offspring, to carry on the past and open a way for future, grow and multiply without end. Hence, this kind of touching situation will be appeared: more shield flower while the leaf is fell. And more over, there is a kind of plant, called miracle leaf, and do engage surely in it: grows root while leaf falls on the ground.

It looks like common of this kind of situation; but it includes how much love, give up self, affection!

What a kind of sentiment it is!

Certainly, the year of individual will come to an end, the life of every one is endless. Instead of win temporary, how can we win eternal? Instead of live at the expense of principles or hour for individual, how can we strife for the long live of every one? It’s need for enlarge your eyes. Don’t only put your eyes on a spot, you ought to lay on the life or death of whole the universe. What use for just look at the temporary honour or disgrace and unwarranted reputation and small interest? It will cast if no benefit to grow and multiply without end of the life of whole the universe.

The ancient once said:” Dead is rather heavier than Tarzan and thinner than wild goose’s feather.” It’s up to you to choose.@


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