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The early bird Hsu      ChiCheng

I teach in a countryside school far from my town about ten kilometers. There are many inconveniences, for instance, can’t buy writing materials and books, materials of housekeeping etc. The students almost buy all of them before school beginning, or take the bus to town to buy them on holiday. Someone who is on intimate terms with me often ask me to buy. I frequently am their duty buyer.
I often buy the things the same day when they asked me to buy, and bring for them in order not to break the promise. However, there is one time I forgot it, not buy it I promised that night, think it of till next morning I want to go to work.
They are three rolls of the yellow Peking paper which the students asked me to buy. Three or four shops are on the town, I think originally it’s easy to buy them as I go to the street, but it’s unexpectedly I haven’t bought them.
I went to the shop I often used to buy first, but its door is closed; I go to the biggest one again, it’s closed also; then I go to another shop, the result is the same: door closed .I suddenly think of there is a shop still while I guess to knock the door hard and fast, I go there just to make a try, unexpectedly I bought them at that shop I scarcely buy. It’s the only material shop in the town which opens the door to sell.
Due to this reason, my impression about this shop has a great change; I also decided from now on, I will go to this shop to buy.
On the way to school, I ponder a proverb: “The early bird catches the worm.” Yes. It really contains profound meaning limitlessly.@


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