
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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I was born in Maoming, Guangdong Province, mainland China, in 1967.

My mother was born in Singapore. She came to mainland China in the early 1950s when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) asked overseas Chinese to come back to “build a new China”. But after numerous overseas Chinese did come back, the CCP classified them as “foreign spies” and persecuted them to death. My mother hurriedly burned her Singaporean birth certificate and lived every day with my older sister and me with trepidation.

My father was born in the countryside of mainland China. He made it to college. He dreamed of becoming a teacher and taking good care of his beloved mother. But the Korean War broke out when he was a sophomore. The CCP propaganda claimed that the American troops were invading China through the Chinese-Korean border, telling mainland Chinese to “Fight American invaders! Protect your family and defend your country!” The entire mainland China thus was deceived into fiercely hating America. Countless young people enlisted and were sent to the Korean battlefields. My father also dropped out of school and enlisted.

When he had served in the air force for eight years, the “Anti-Rightists Movement” began. In the movement, the CCP told mainland Chinese to speak out their opinions about the CCP; after people did speak out some of its wrongdoings, the CCP unveiled its real face, classifying those people as “rightists” and persecuting them to death.

When my father’s superior told him to frame a colleague who had honestly mentioned a few of the CCP’s wrongdoings, my father refused; he thus was classified as “sympathizing with the rightists” and was transferred to Beidahuang, an extremely remote, glacial region in Northeastern China, to do hard labor.

After ten years in Beidahuang, my father was transferred to an out-of-the-way mountainous area in Sichuan Province, where he underwent the ten years of “Cultural Revolution” and was persecuted again in the movement.

In my childhood memories, there was hardly any image of my father.

When my father was finally allowed to come to Maoming to live with my mother and us sisters, he was already forty-eight years old.

His dream of becoming a teacher, of taking good care of his mother, had all been cruelly smashed.


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