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The Bank Hsu ChiCheng

“All living creatures in the mortal world, are seeking the bank.”
“You talk through your hat!”
“Not talk through my hat! You are not the exception still!”
“You go to seek your bank. I will not. Don’t get me into trouble.”
“Whoever is seeking, how can you do without seeking?”
“Who is seeking? May you tell me.”
“The men who sail on the sea , no matter he is lost, and no matter he is a captain, a crew or a passenger, all are seeking the bank.”
“ Of course. Is it worth to give a bit at? However, I can’t approve when you say everyone is seeking.”
“May you approve with prodigal son seeks the bank! It’s immerse on human sea, boundless, prodigal son drifts on human sea, somewhere out in space I hang suspended, only to seek the bank everywhere. You may not deny it.”
“Well. There often be told ‘repent and be saved.’”
“So, the student is seeking certainly.”
“May you say, why?”
“ ‘ Knowledge, likes a sea, is boundless; only through hard study can one reach the destination.’ Haven’t you ever heard?”
“Quiet well! You are really known.”
“Never mind!”
“So I say, all living creatures in the mortal world, are seeking the bank.”@


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