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There are poets everywhere  Hsu ChiCheng

Never always presume that only write with instrument of character be the poet. No, there are many poets still, and also there may be poets everywhere, they may express poem great well.

There are poets everywhere. No matter what they write, how to write, just it’s poem, possess poetic, make touch to others, cause resonance to reader, are all good poems, the writers all are poets.

Musician is the poet who writes with sound for instrument. Painter is the poet who writes with colour, line and pattern for instrument. Dancer is the poet who writes with posture. Farmer is the poet who writes with plough and hoe for instrument. Fisherman is the poet who writes with fishing tackle as fishing vessel and fishnet etc. for instrument. Labourer is the poet who writes with hammer and saw for instrument…

Of course, there are many poets write poem in cosmos, just as male, female, old age, young man, child etc., just as merchant, teacher, student, soldier, architect, tailor, blacksmith, sailor, driver, traveler etc., the poems written may be the animal, plant, a thing, an exercise, a fruit, a mountain, a river, a lake, a vast sea…

There are poets everywhere, no matter what they write, how to write, only it’s poem, possess poetic, make touch to others, cause resonance to reader, are all good poems.

So, never always presume that only write with instrument of character be the poet. No, there are many poets still, and also there may be poets everywhere, they may express poem great well. @


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