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Garden Balsam  Hsu ChiCheng

In those ages, take the garden balsam, smash them into piece, parcel in with nail, dyes nail into red, is the urgent yearn for girl, a custom prevailing at that time.
Garden balsam, how like it is a flying bird, intend to fly;
And its red, is just the royal heart of the girl.

Those may be great minded and interested by many people; however, I mind and take interested the most is when the fruit ripe, no matter it’s touched or not, it always will burst naturally and spring the seed, as if it says:

“Wishing the injustice the time will come to reveal the whole truth.”
“Be an honorable person doing honorable things, not keep back the truth at all. I’ll like to be searched for at any time.”

There are gloomy side everywhere in this mortal world; but the sun comes, bright will appear.

How fine is the blue sky! But there were the time often covered by the cloud; just the wind is here, the cloud will be get loose by the wind, it always appears the true feature.

Even the maiden in palace of Olympic may be treated unjustly, let along this mortal world? However, the wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all, any thing be unjustly will be the time comes to reveal the whole truth.

“Wishing the injustice the time will come to reveal the whole truth.”
“Be an honorable person doing honorable things, not keep back the truth at all. I’ll like to be searched for at any time.”

Frank, sworn brothers, never be afraid of be unjustly, burst out capsule, spring the seed, wide open breast, to accept any search and test! @


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