

圖為好美里好美的沙灘。 (蔡上海/大紀元)

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Play with the Tide at Dawn  Hsu ChiCheng
In order to appreciate the taste of fun in playing with tide personally at dawn, we come to the seaside and stay in the hotel of the seaside yesternight.

Lay on the bed, the song of the sea is a lullaby at first, transmitted from the sea, recites gentle by my ears, recited it even the bed becoming into a cradle in my dim sense and swing softly. Whole the night, I delivered my body to this cradle, delivered my ears to the lullaby of the sea, delivered my eyes to the gloom…

When awake from the hazy faraway, I just feel that the news of the dawn propagates in the air; the lullaby of the sea is come to an end, replaces it is a morning mood, short in beat, agile, active, melodious, on hearing it, I feel comfortable, bestir ourselves.

We rush to the seaside in the tiny dawn…

As reach the seaside, we just see the sea surface appears a piece of deep wide breast on the slight dawn, is rising and falling. May it is the sea does deep breathing! The sea water rises a spell after a spell of sea tide follows the rising and falling of the sea, rising and falling , ebbing and flowing; with each rises, the sea tide is a piece of white silks fabric, seems white and bright in the faint light, and then smashes, ebbing, then lifts into a spell of new sea tide…

There is rising and falling, ebbs and flows the sea tide, it will be low tide after it reaches high tide, and then from low tide rises to high tide; is life not so?

We rush to the sea tide…

The sea tide adds white silk fabric on our feet, our body…
The sea tide sprays on our whole body with their white spray, adorns our whole body…
The sea tide kisses our feet with their thick lips…
The sea tide strength their soft kin hands, offers us slight caresses…

From the beginning the sea tide touches my skin, a band of cool transmits my deep inner mind, extends whole my body, and also a band of cozy, and besides, a band of satisfy, a band of passion and pleasure…

Is there still any sweltering, vexed, worry? They all smelt exhausted, threw away.

I therefore hail together with all of us. There splashes whole the cozy and satisfy in the hail, whole the pleasure and passion.
We rush toward the sea tide, and retreat from the sea tide again, and once more rush toward the sea tide, and once more retreat from the sea tide…

Power is play the role of. Happy is permeating everywhere. Laugh and hail fly together with the sea tide…

This is a part of the order of confusion.

Arouse while tumble, play with the tide again succession, someone even hang on the tide on the way, to soak enough, enjoy the caress of the tide, as well as the kiss…

It’s an order of confusion. The foam sprays on the body, sprays in the face…

The dawn comes slowly from our rush toward the tide and retreat again; gradually, dawn appeared, sun rises from the east, brilliance is everywhere, so we make play with the tide comes to an end, back all play with the tide to the sea side, the sea and sea beach to sun, back to the coming heat wave…@


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