
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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I read through Zhuan Falun at a stretch within two days.

Usually my eyes would fatigue and hurt upon thirty minutes of reading; but when reading Zhuan Falun, strangely, the longer I read, the more pleasant my eyes felt; the longer I read, the bigger and brighter the words looked; and my eyes never fatigued no matter how long I read.

Upon the first reading I was enlightened a lot, but there were many points I felt hard to comprehend and conceive. Nevertheless I didn’t put aside the book.

Thirty years of tough life and the hardships of learning two foreign languages had taught me modesty and humility; I would not deny something rashly just because I felt it hard to comprehend or conceive.

The immense universe was full of mysteries. I had always reminded myself to be modest.

So I kept my questions in my heart and started reading Zhuan Falun for the second time. Upon reading the second time, I read for the third time, the fourth time, the fifth time…

During the period of time I didn’t take any interpreting job and only concentrated on reading the book in my little rental flat in Guangzhou. With the reading, I came to sense that Zhuan Falun was different from other books.

Every one more time I read It, I was enlightened more. Every one more time I read It, more of the questions in my heart were being solved. Every one more time I read It, the clearer my heart and mind became.

I bought a notebook expressly for writing down my thoughts while reading the book. Upon writing through half of it I stopped writing, as there were many things that could only be understood in heart but couldn’t be expressed in words.

While reading repeatedly, some day I lifted my head from the book smiling happily: I knew I had finally found what I had always been seeking, I had finally understood the true meaning of my life, which was: Become a good person, an even better person, and return to my original, true self through cultivation practice.

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