美語訓練班 第042課

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【大紀元2012年03月09日訊】A: 大家好! 歡迎來到美語訓練班, 我是楊琳!

B:我是Kat, 楊琳,今天咱們學甚麼呀?

A: 今天,咱們要去快餐店大吃一頓,要談談危機公關,還要告訴大家用美語怎麼說「異地戀」和「左右為難」。

B: Sounds good! But first, let’s learn a word.

Learn A Word innovation

今天我們要學的詞是 innovation. Innovation is spelled i-n-n-o-v-a-t-i-o-n, innovation. Innovation 意思是創新,改革。由於其主要顧客群在亞洲,諾基亞公司將把生產線完全轉移到亞洲。諾基亞市場部主管說,”By working more closely with our suppliers, we believe that we will be able to introduce innovations into the market more quickly and ultimately be more competitive. ” 我們認為,與供貨商更密切的合作能使我們更快地將創新理念帶入市場,並最終更具競爭力。美國總統奧巴馬強調,It’s very important to bring the spirit of innovation back to the United States. 將創新精神重新帶回美國是十分重要的。好的,今天我們學習的詞是innovation, innovation, innovation.

A: Kat, 我問你個問題,現在熱賣的蘋果電子產品,iPhone, iPad, iMac,這些名字的前面都有一個字母i,它代表甚麼呢?

B: Hmm, that’s a good question. I guess it means Internet? Or… “intelligent”?

A: Internet–網絡,Intelligent–智能,聽著都有可能。我想,是不是還可能是 individua–個人,或者是我們剛學的這個Innovatio–創新呢?

B:Quite possible! These are all good words. They give the products a cool, hip image.

A: 沒錯,乾脆咱們這個節目名字也改改吧,前面加個字母i, 變成,i美語訓練班,多時髦!

B: 照搬別人的做法?Nay, that’s not original at all!

A: 也對,咱不能盲目跟風。哎,我有一個好主意,咱們不用i, I不是「我」的意思麼,咱們用U,U就是「你」,這下可不是跟風了吧?

B: 啊?Then our show’s name will be u美語訓練班?


B: Let’s listen to Words and Idioms.

Words and Idioms Caught in the middle

現在播送<美國習慣用語>第 954講。我是楊琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.


M:Caught in the middle. Caught is spelled c-a-u-g-h-t, and middle; m-i-d-d-l-e. Caught-in-the-middle. Caught in the middle.

女: Caught是catch的被動式,被抓住的意思;而middle, 中間。Caught in the middle, 被夾在中間,就是左右為難的意思。我朋友現在就處於左右為難的境地,She is caught in the middle regarding whether to buy her daughter a smartphone. 對於要不要給她女兒買智能手機這個問題,我朋友左右為難。不過她的處境跟下面的例子裡的人比起來不足一提?他有甚麼困擾呢? 我們來聽聽看:

M: “Ever since my mother came to live with us, life has been difficult. She and my wife don’t get along. If one wants one thing, the other is complaining about it. It’s a constant battle. And I don’t like being CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE. They should settle their differences without expecting me to get involved.”


女: 這可真夠為難的。婆媳關係一般都很難處理,而丈夫夾在中間,向著哪邊都不好。The husband gets caught in the middle whenever there’s a conflict between his mom and his wife. 一旦他的媽媽和妻子起了衝突,作為丈夫他真是左右為難。好了,為難歸為難,讓我們再來聽聽剛才那段話吧!

M: “Ever since my mother came to live with us, life has been difficult. She and my wife don’t get along. If one wants one thing, the other is complaining about it. It’s a constant battle. And I don’t like being CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE. They should settle their differences without expecting me to get involved.”

女:工作中有個好老闆是福氣。如果你的老闆待人和氣而又鼓勵創新 ,你工作起來一定會幹勁十足。可是下面這個例子裡的人就不那麼幸運了,他碰到了甚麼樣的問題呢?我們來聽聽看:

M: “My boss isn’t making my job very easy. He assumes that I’ll always be supportive of his decisions. The problem is that I think some of his ideas aren’t good for the company. As a result, I find myself torn between wanting to be loyal and wanting to be honest. How can I overcome feeling CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE? “


女: 我也有過類似的經歷!原來大學的時候我曾經去做過家教,可是那個家裏的爸爸說一套,而媽媽又有另一套,弄的我不知道怎麼辦才好。The parents of the kid I’m tutoring have opposite views of what I should teach. I’m totally caught in the middle. 好了,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: “My boss isn’t making my job very easy. He assumes that I’ll always be supportive of his decisions. The problem is that I think some of his ideas aren’t good for the company. As a result, I find myself torn between wanting to be loyal and wanting to be honest. How can I overcome feeling CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE? “

女:各位聽眾,今天我們學習的習慣用語是Caught in the Middle,意思是「夾在中間,左右為難」。好的,這次[美國習慣用語]就到此結束,我是楊琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。謝謝各位的收聽。

A: 最近我就碰上了件左右為難的事兒,我認識一對情侶,倆人都是我的好朋友,But their relationship hit a rough patch, and they both complain to me about the other person. I’m caught in the middle and don’t know what to do!

B:You don’t have to do anything! Just be a good listener to both of them and let they sort out their own problems.

A: 我也這麼想,這情侶之間的事兒,外人還是少給意見的好!

B:Speaking of relationships, 咱們今天不是要教「異地戀」麼?

A:沒錯。Let’s listen!

How to say it in American English: long-distance relationship

JESSICA 在北京學漢語,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼說的詞,就會來請教她。今天是吳瓊要問的:異地戀。

JESSICA: 吳瓊,what’s your plan for the weekend?

WQ: I’ll be out of town! 我得坐4個小時飛機去看我男朋友!

JESSICA: Boy! That’s a long flight! 你真是個好女朋友。

WQ: 沒辦法啦。異地戀就是這麼辛苦。Jessica, 異地戀用美語要怎麼說呢?

JESSICA: That’s long-distance relationship. So, how long have you guys been long-distance?

WQ: We’ve been dating for a couple of years now. 不過,他最近因為工作被調去外地兩年,我們剛剛開始異地戀。I miss him so much, and I don’t know if we can survive the long-distance!

JESSICA: Don’t be sad, 吳瓊! I know dating over long-distance can be hard, but you got to have faith in the relationship! Hmm, tell me, what do you like about your boyfriend?

WQ: 他啊,最大的優點就是真誠,不做作。

JESSICA: So he’s a blue-collar kind of guy!

WQ: blue collar? 那不是藍領工人麼?

JESSICA: Yes. But if you say a man is a “blue collar kind of guy”, it doesn’t necessarily refer to his job. Rather, it’s about his down-to-earth, unpretending character.

WQ: I see. My boyfriend is a blue-collar kind of guy. 我就喜歡他這純樸勁兒。

JESSICA: So what does he like about you?

WQ: 哈哈,他也喜歡我清純,親切,不做作。那我就是blue-collar kind of girl了?怎麼聽著這麼彆扭。

Jessica: Hmm, you can use the phrase “the girl next door”.

WQ: The girl next door? 哦,就是鄰家女孩! 沒錯,My boyfriend says I’m nice and attractive, just like a girl next door! 不過,這次去找他,I don’t want to be the girl next door anymore! 我要打扮得艷麗一些,給他個驚喜!

Jessica: I hope he likes it! Now tell me what you’ve learned today!

WQ: 第一:異地戀是long-distance relationship;.

第二:形容男人質樸老實,可以用blue-collar kind of guy;

第三:親切可愛的鄰家女孩是the girl next door.

B: Keeping up a long-distance relationship is hard!

A: 可不是麼,異地戀成功率可不高!除非倆人真的特合適。

B: Yeah, and also, the couple needs to have an agreed-upon goal or a reason for having a long-distance relationship. They should know that they’re not going to stay like that forever. For example, the goal could be career advancement or a better life in the long run.

A: Yeah! They need to have something to look forward to! 而且倆人目標得一致,不是有句話麼,Love is not just about looking at each other; it’s looking in the same direction.

B: 說得好! Now let’s switch gears and talk about food.


GoEnglish Food: Beginner


MC: Doug and Liz 正開車去超市買菜,可Doug忽然覺得餓了,想順道先去快餐店買個漢堡吃。

Professor: Winnie, do you ever get hungry when you go shopping?


Doug: Hey Liz, I’m really hungry. Let’s stop and eat something.

Liz: Alright, where do you want to eat?

Doug: There is a McDonalds nearby.

Liz: Fast food is so unhealthy. But if you are really hungry, we can go through the drive-through.

Doug: No, let’s go inside. I don’t want to spill my drink in the car.

Professor: So Winnie, did you hear where Doug wants to eat?


Professor: Exactly! Why doesn’t Doug want to use the drive-through?


Professor: That’s true. I guess there are two ways eating fast food can kill you.

MC: 說得對! 吃太多快餐垃圾食品會把身體搞垮,如果邊開車邊吃還可能讓你出車禍!

Cashier: Welcome to McDonalds! May I take your order?

Doug: Yes, I’d like two hamburgers, a large Coke and a large fries.

Cashier: Do you want anything, mam?

Liz: No thanks, I’m on a diet.

Cashier: For here or to go?

Doug: For here.

Cashier: Alright, that will be 11 dollars and 50 cents.

Liz 說,she is on a diet, 正在節食,所以不吃這些高熱量的快餐。Doug 真應該向 Liz 學學。

Professor: Yes, fast food has a lot of fat in it. But Winnie, does Doug want the food “for here” or “to go”?

Doug 說for here, 也就是在餐廳裡吃。如果說 “to go”,就是打包帶走的意思。

Professor: Yes. When you take food home from a restaurant, you can also say the food is for “take out.” Now Doug and Liz are eating their food. Let’s listen.

Doug: Do you want to eat my tomato? I don’t like them. The only topping I like is ketchup.

Liz: Sure, I love tomatoes. They’re a healthy food.

Doug: That’s true. Are you sure you don’t want anything?

Liz: Well I know the French fries are very unhealthy, but they look so good.

Doug: Come on Liz, try one. It won’t kill you.

Liz: Well alright, I’ll have just one.

Doug: Great! I’m going to get a refill of soda.

看來, Liz 的決心動搖了。雖然她一直在說快餐多沒營養,可是一看到Doug的薯條,也忍不住要吃上一根。

Professor: That’s right. And did you hear what topping Doug likes, and which one he doesn’t like?

Doug 說, 在漢堡的所有佐料中,他只喜歡ketchup–番茄醬, 還說他不愛吃番茄。真奇怪,番茄醬不就是番茄做的嘛?

Professor: That’s right. What does Doug say he is going to do at the end?

他說他要去refill他的飲料. Professor, refill, r-e-f-i-l-l, refill 就是續杯的意思吧?

Professor: Correct. When you go to a restaurant, you can ask the waiter, “Do you have free refills?”


Professor: Now let’s see what Doug says when he returns to the table.

Doug: Liz, where are all my fries? Did you eat them all?

Liz: I’m sorry, Doug. They were just so good! Once I started eating them, I couldn’t stop.

Doug: Don’t worry Liz. If I’m going to get really fat, you should get really fat too! We will look really cute together.

Liz: Wow, that is a really scary thought. I need to exercise right now!

啊? Liz 趁Doug不在,居然把他的薯條都吃了!不過,她顯然不想和Doug一起變成胖子,所以說要馬上去健身。不過首先,希望他們在超市能買些健康食品!

Professor: Well listen next time to find out!

A: 看看!Liz 沒堅持住!炸薯條這東西,吃一根就很難停下來的。

B: The craving for fast food is your worst enemy if you’re on a diet. Your friends should be supportive, instead of waving a bag of fries in front of your face!

A: 沒錯,減肥需要周圍人的支持,可不能老拿炸薯條來考驗咱們的意志力!好了,咱們繼續聽節目吧。在今天的禮節美語中,We’ll continue to talk about product recall.

禮節美語 A Product Recall II


R: We will then specify the year and model of the ACs included in the recall and set up a web site for our vendors and customers.

H: We should probably set up a toll-free line as well.

R: Yes, that’s a good idea, Hank.

S: The company will have to pay for advertisements in major newspapers that explain the recall.

H: Maybe I can speak to some of the members of the press I know and see if they’re interested in doing a news story on this. I’m hoping to spin it in our favor by highlighting the fact that this is a precautionary measure.

新聞簡報裡要說明召回產品的出廠年分和型號,還要專門開設一個網站,方便銷售商家和顧客諮詢聯繫。Hank建議再開通一條 toll-free line 免費撥打的電話,他還主動提出,聯繫一些跟自己關係比較好的媒體,看看有沒有人願意發一篇報導,強調公司這次的產品召回是 a precautionary measure 預防性措施,從而 spin it in our favor. 讓這件事朝對我們有利的方向發展。

S: You know, a lot of big companies have been forced to recall products, and as long as they are honest about what happened and proactive in trying to make it better, most people are pretty forgiving of mistakes.

R: Yes. I think people understand that no company is perfect. The main thing we have to avoid is giving the impression of any kind of cover-up.

H: That’s right. If people believe we are being completely truthful we should be able to weather this storm.

很多大公司都曾遇到過被迫召回產品的事,只要公司對公眾誠懇,並儘可能提前採取措施解決問題,一般都會得到公眾的理解和原諒。Rick說,關鍵是不能讓人覺得公司是在cover-up,掩蓋些甚麼。Hank表示認同,只要公眾覺得公司說的都是實話,we should be able to weather this storm. 我們就應該能渡過這次難關。to weather the storm 是渡過難關的意思。

R: I’m also going to order an inquiry into whether any safety measures were not heeded, or if anybody at our factory was trying to cut corners.

S: We will make the results of the inquiry public as well. We want to be as transparent and open as possible.

R: I want you to talk to all of your department heads and managers and explain our policy. If they know of any other mistakes or safety issues I want to hear about them. Heads will roll if I discover that anyone isn’t following our strict quality standards.

H&S: Yes, sir.

Rick 還說,他準備就安全措施的執行情況展開調查,還要看工廠裡有沒有人偷工減料,to cut corners. Samantha補充道,調查結果最後也要對外公布,儘可能讓整個程序做到公開透明。Rick 最後要Samantha和Hank回去把公司的決定傳達給手下的部門主管和經理,發現問題要即時匯報,如果有人不嚴格執行公司的質量標準,heads will roll 意思是這樣的人一定會受到嚴厲的處罰。

A: Wow, heads will roll, 這個說法真是霸氣外露啊!這就是「掉腦袋」,吃不了兜著走!

B: Yeah. It means someone will be in big trouble.

A:好了,咱們不說head了,改說Heel, 腳腕子。

B:Why heel?


American Sports English Achilles Heel/Tendon

Y: Hey, Patrick,what’s wrong? 你怎麼一瘸一拐的?

P: Why am I limping? I’m limping because my Achilles tendon is killing me! OW!

Y: Ohhhh

P: Uh, Yang Chen, do you know what an Achilles tendon is?

Y: Well, not really, Patrick.

P: Achilles A-C-H-I-L-L-E-S, tendon T-E-N-D-O-N It is a tendon (腱) in the lower back part of your leg.

Y: Oh, 原來你和劉翔一樣,得了腱炎?

P: Yeah, that’s right. Just like Liu Xiang. He had a problem with his Achilles tendon, too.

Y: Poor Patrick, 那你就得退出今天的比賽了。

P: Yeah. I’ll have to withdraw from the competition.

Y: 那你是怎麼弄傷了你的Achilles tendon?

P: Well, I pulled it running in a marathon.

Y: Aw, that’s too bad.

P: Thanks for the sympathy, Yang Chen.

Y: Hey, I have another question for you, Patrick. 跟腱為甚麼叫 “Achilles tendon” 呢?

P: Boy, you have a lot of questions today. Achilles was an ancient Greek hero

Y: Oh, 我知道了, Achilles 阿基里斯是希臘神話裡的勇士。

P: Yeah, He was dunked in a sacred river by his mother, who held him by his ankle. And he became invulnerable everywhere the water touched him, except his heel.

Y: Oh, 因為他媽媽抓著他的腳後跟,沒沾到神水,就成了他的致命弱點。

P: 對。So when someone has a fatal flaw it is referred to as their “Achilles heel”. Because Achilles was killed when an arrow struck him in his heel-his only vulnerable spot.

Y: So what’s your “Achilles heel,” Patrick?

P: Oh, I may have a problem with my Achilles tendon, but I don’t have an Achilles heel. I’m perfect!

Y: Hmmm, I think a lack of modesty might just be your Achilles heel, Patrick.

P: Whatever!

A: Achilles’ heel,致命弱點,這個我們在以前的節目中好像教過了,不過大家不要把 Achilles’ heel 和 Achilles tendon 混了,Achilles tendon 指的是跟腱,也就是腳後跟與小腿之間的肌腱。

B: Yeha. If you say “being too nice is my Achilles tendon, people will not understand what you’re talking about.

A: 哈哈!沒錯,在剛才那句話中,應該用 Achilles’ heel, 意思就是,為人過於善良是我的致命弱點。好了, 這次節目時間到了。這次的撰稿人是小北,編輯是蔚然。同學們,我們下次再見!

B:See you !

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