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Sunshine Tree  Hsu ChiCheng

There stand a sunshine tree and a sunshine tree in the campus, in rows and in ranks, stand into beautiful focal point with their bodies, a piece of green landscape; all are so beauty, all are so green no matter from what angle to look of them.

Breeze passes by and touches them softly, sunshine trees stretch their bodies following.

How beautiful the line! How soft the limb!

It seems sunshine tree says one by one with one voice:

“Extend! Extend your bodies!…Oh, it’s how long haven’t extended your body. All joints are dust while haven’t extended the body for a long time; extend the body in a short time, wow, how comfortable it is! How relaxed it is!

May the gymnastics! One, two, three, four…oh, it’s dumbbell. It’s body turning. It’s back bend over. It’s the exercise of four limbs. It’ the exercise of waist.…

May the dance! It’s ballet. It’s blues. It’s tango. It’s cha-cha. It’s twist. It’s classic dance. It’s folk dance. It’s aboriginal dance.

Oh, hands raise, hands downward, hands stretch, single hand, both hands, match with rhythm of the music, the move of body and feet…

Feeling often that they stretch their bodies and feet, want to grow, grow high, adult, just like the students in the campus, also want to grow high, adult; in fact, they grow match with them, grow into high, adult…@


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