
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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When working as a tour guide, seeing my colleagues vying with each other for self-interest, I felt extremely painful and didn’t know how I should conduct myself amidst it. A year later, I quit the job carrying an exhausted heart and started working with foreign companies. Starting from the small Japanese factories in the tough countryside around Shenzhen, a Special Economical Zone in Guangdong Province, after undergoing many hardships, I became the chief interpreter of a well-known Japanese company when I was twenty-four.

I worked extremely hard and helped the company build up a large production base in mainland China. Travels by air, five-star hotels, expensive cars, luxurious banquets, meeting with VIPs amidst the flashing of cameras…I had experienced all this. But when I quit the job a year later, I had the feeling that all this had never ever happened; for the first time I distinctly felt that wealth and rank were indeed as transient as a fleeting cloud.

With the money earned from the foreign companies, I opened a restaurant serving Chinese and Western food. Since the entire society was talking about money, I wanted to find out whether a large sum of money could bring my heart peace and happiness.

After working extremely hard on the restaurant for a period of time, I got the negative answer.

My father mocked my opening the restaurant with very hurtful words. That led to my utterly staying out of touch with my parents thereafter.

Upon ending the business, I went to a university in Sichuan Province to learn English from American teachers, hoping that learning one more foreign language would expand my views of mind.

By the time, years of severe depression and hard work had damaged my health: My eyes often got blurry; my memory was deteriorating drastically; I constantly suffered from severe headache, backache, waistache and neckache; my brain often turned blank; my body constantly felt exhausted…Nevertheless I went on studying hard.

The Library for Foreign Literature in the university was only opened in the morning, and the books in it couldn’t be lent out. I pleaded with the librarian to allow me to go in and read in the afternoon too. She consented, saying that she had noticed my diligence.

I stayed in a rental shabby flat, carried a big tape-recorder to the school room every day, sat in the first row, and recorded every word the American teachers said. Some of my classmates mocked me, but I didn’t care.

After two years of hard work, I became an interpreter speaking two foreign languages.

Yet my heart remained homeless; I was just getting more and more depressed, perplexed, and restless.

When I reached twenty-seven, my health broke down. I had to seek medical treatment.

My time at the hospitals and with the doctors was like a nightmare, as the hospitals and doctors in mainland China cared about money but treated patients with indifference. On one occasion, my eyes were nearly destroyed by a careless doctor’s wrong prescription. It finally came to the point where whenever I had to see a doctor, my heart tightened and my legs trembled.

Despite the nightmares I had been through and the big money spent, none of my illnesses got better one bit.

I learned Chinese martial arts, swam, danced, walked a lot, did aerobics… yet they didn’t help.

I was like a wrecked boat sinking swiftly to the bottom of an ocean.

I was already standing on the brink of the precipice, body and soul.

I invoked Heaven in despair, “Please save me!! Please save me!! I don’t know how to keep living!! I don’t know what I keep living for!!”

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