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The groundnut   Hsu ChiCheng

We can say groundnut “takes root on the earth, and blossoms upward”; but it’s joke to say groundnut “takes root on earth, and fruits upward”. Summarily, to say “takes root on the earth, blossoms upward, and fruits upward. ” is the most suitable.

Name it generally as groundnut is tally with facts; because it’s sure that it blossoms in front of and fruit thereafter! But we all call it groundnut is the most suitable; not other cause, it blossoms on the stem which grows on the ground, and then fruits “bean” which bury in the ground.

I still more like to call the name groundnut compares with these two names.
Why don’t we call it groundnut? It’s right for us ought to call it this name! Why do we dislike this name? It’s right for us ought to call it this name!

Groundnut, how original the name, how good is the bean! In spite of soup-boiling, parch it with exploiting the shell, it’s rich in fragrance the same, especially exploiting, except fragrance, adds of fragile, it’s fragrant and fragile surely! As to nutrition, it’s no need to say. Whoever will dislike this kind of thing? It helps to body, and will remain fragrance after have it, adds to the pretty and good feature, it’ll more love can’t let go.

A grain after a grain of the small bean, a pod after a pod of the small bean, a string after a string of the small bean, bury in the ground, silently, quietly, not to seek for known, not to show off, not to make publicly known, happy self and lives self, hides self, satisfies self, grows self; when it grown, and dug out by people to eat, it just brings into play its strong point, offers its wit and power with its nutrition and fragile. How fine is its ethics!

Groundnut, I can’t help to like it! @


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